
 As a missionary I was known to talk a lot about dating and marriage. I would say I love Love over the pulpit.  During a talk. I was something else. 

This week we talked about the Engagement period in a relationship. Now as someone who’s biggest goal in life is to be a husband and father the engagement is no small thing. It is a big step into the future of the relationship. It is a massive commitment that takes courage. It also in this day and age will be shown to the world on social media. Which has its pros and cons. I like seeing people's engagement photos. It also makes it half to be this uber big thing. It is different for everyone. The Engagement should be special. Why is it so important though?

Well engagement is a step towards marriage. And the time you are engaged is very important. It is a time to grow closer in so many ways.  It is time for you both to plan the wedding. Because it is not just the husband's wedding or the wife's wedding or the partner's wedding. It is their wedding. Their special day. It will not be perfect but it should be theirs.  A time to enjoy time with friends and family but the main thing is the partner and you. It is your big day. Make it fun. Do not be super stressed. Planning the wedding will not be the hardest part of your marriage. Marriage is hard. You want to start your marriage on a good note. Not a low note of anxiety and wedding induced stress.

Now I have to be honest. Confession time. I am not married. I have never been engaged.  I have no children. So I am no expert at all. I know some movie trivia. Alas I am no marriage expert. But I love love. I love a good love story. So I want my wedding to be lit. I want it to be amazing for my future wife. I also want it to be good for me. But when you love someone you want the best for them. And to figure out what they want you need to talk to them.  And Engagement is a great time to do that. And dating.  Conversation and communication are so crucial to a successful marriage and relationship. It takes time. It takes energy. So make the effort and make the time. Do the work. 

Look, I am hyped to get married. Also, Divorce rates are so high. It is so scary. How do you know if you are making the right choice? Look for me, I am a thinker.  My Brain is a lot. I struggle with Anxiety and OCD. So the decision to marry someone is a big decision. That is when the lord comes into play. We need to ask the lord what is right.  Which may be a scary and hard process. Receiving Revelation is a process. We have to trust in the lord. We have to believe in a better tomorrow. We have to believe that the lord knows best. He loves us. And he is enough for us. And we are enough for him. He will help us in our marriages. He is always there for us. Even when we feel alone or abandoned. And sometimes we feel that way. In and out of a relationship. But we never have to worry about God’s love and appreciation for us. He has got us every day. Even if dating or marriage may be scary and it may be. We need to keep trying.  Trying is different for everyone. It is hard. But it will be ok.


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