Diversity is Awesome

 Diversity is amazing. Can you imagine if we all looked and talked the same. That would be so boring and uninspired. Thankfully our Heavenly parents Made us different and unique. 

Of course with Diversity we also have the sin of racism. Racism is so clearly against the will of God. Anyone who thinks they are superior to someone because of their race or sexual orientation or gender of money making is wrong. Dead wrong. God wants us to be ourselves. That's Why he made us US. As a missionary I would say the lord didn't call you to be perfect he called you to be you. Who you are is who you are supposed to be. So when someone ridicules or any form of discrimination or abuse just remember you are God's child and you are who you are meant to be. 

With Diversity we also have different cultures. It is so amazing the different ways people live and love and learn. We do things differently and that's amazing.   Look me and all of you are not the same. We are equally loved by God but we are different. SO AWESOME.  You may not love Movies. And I have to be ok with that. 

With different cultures we have the means to understand and connect with people more closely. For me I need to travel way more. I have not been around a lot of different cultures. I can watch movies and TV shows and documentaries but I need to see people in person. And not just the people I know.

I think that is one great thing about living in the U.S.A. This is the melting pot. People from everywhere moved here for freedom and peace. And now lucky for us we have so many amazing different people and cultures. It is truly a gift. And we need to keep it that way. We cannot expunge a certain culture because you may not agree or understand. Our cultures help make us who we are. Be yourself. Be kind.

Our families help make us who we are. My parents are amazing. My family is amazing. Is it perfect? Uhh no no it is not. And that's ok. As people we need to let go of this perfectionism attitude. We right now are not meant to be perfect and that is awesome. We make mistakes and mess up and slip. 

I know right now there are things I can do better. Grades for one. College is not free. I need to work harder to be better. But if I mess up. I am still enough. Even when the entire world wants us to think we need to be more. Remember at your core you are a child of heavenly parents. You are loved and you are enough. I need to give myself a break. I am only 20. I need to figure out who I am. Which is hard sometimes. Because we human beings are human beings.  

We need to take some of our time. Look the world is crazy and sad.But the promise of the gospel is that we will be ok. Even when the days feel like eternity long of pain just remember you are not alone. The savior is right there with you every step of the way. Life is hard. And unfair. But it will be ok. We just need to keep trying. And trying looks different for everyone. And that is ok. Because we are different. Which is God’s plan for us. We all have a purpose and have an identity. We will be ok


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