Love One Another

 Hello Blog Readers of my Blog. This week was a week in my life. School is something else. Change is something else. Sometimes I feel on top of the moon. Other days it's not so much. That is to be human however. This class is called Family Relations. Family is so important to me. This week we talked a lot about Gender and Same-Sex Attraction. Look if I say anything offensive or hurtful. If I do, I am so sorry. That is not my goal. I want all people to know they are loved and appreciated.  We are all God’s Children. We all have infinite worth regardless of what people say.

Gender. What a subject. We mostly talked about Gender Roles. Look I love family, For me it is important that everyone feels loved and appreciated. Children, Guardian, Spouse. Everyone deserves to be loved and taken care of. And being taken care of takes some monetary value. Traditionally it was the man of the house who would go out into the workforce and the mother would stay home. And hey if that works then heck yeah. But if a different way works then heck yeah. My mom has had her own business for years. It is totally all good for Mom to go out and work and for the Father to stay home. Or what works for your family. Because every family is unique and special. We need to make sure everyone is taken care of though. If they are and it is working then heck yeah. If it aint broke and not illegal or terrible don't fix it. We are all trying to figure this life out together. We are in no position to judge. Being married, raising children together, being single, raising kids alone is hard. Being human is hard. Do not think that you have a Monopoly on how to perfectly raise your family. No one is perfect. Well Jesus is Perfect. He is the best, and he can help us in every family situation. He always has our back. Look, my biggest goal in life is to be a husband and father. Will I be perfect at that? Uh no no I will not. But that is why we have the savior. He gives us the time to figure it out. Because it is hard figuring everything out. But it'll be ok. It'll all be ok.

On to the next topic. Same-Sex Attraction. We may not agree on everything. I love Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which is a pretty controversial statement. Far more important than loving a divisive movie is loving everyone. Regardless if you agree with who they are. So with Members of the LGBTQ+ Community we have a divine mandate to love them because we need to love everyone. So many things could be solved in this world if we just loved. We are not commanded to agree. We are however commanded to always love. Always. Even when it is hard. I remember during the 2020 Election I was on TikTok a lot. Not smart. It gives you what you want to see and also what you do not want to see to fuel your rage. Unfortunately those videos and all the other stuff on social media and the news led to a lot of arguments that got pretty intense. Those arguments were not great. We could have been doing anything else but anger is real and palpable. It sinks into you like a virus. The answer will always be the savior. Crap is not going to always go our way.  But we need to love. Always. Love Always.


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