
 You know what is crazy. The semester is almost over. However it is not over yet. And another week means another Blog about what we learned in Family Relations. This week we talked about communication. Communication is so important in all relationships. However it is not always easy.

In life we want things. We want friends, we want family, we want love, we want connection. The lockdown during Covid was a pretty clear example of that. Those drive by missionary goodbyes were some of the best memories. Because I saw people. People who I loved and missed. In family relations in every type of relationship communication is so important. A mother has to know when her child needs feeding. A child has to communicate however it can to get the feeding. Now the baby cannot speak in full sentences but the baby knows it needs nutrients and that mom has those nutrients.  Then the child grows. Suddenly The child is a screaming 2 year old. The parents have to calm it down. They have to be parents. All of this involves communication.  As a young adult communication is so important. As a college student I need to be good with communication. With my teachers, my roommates , and my friends. My family is so important to me. I need to communicate with my family even though they are far away. My family is literally all over the world. My sister is in Austria and my Brother in Japan. My parents in California and my brother and I are up here in Rexburg. We have to make the conscious choice to stay in touch. And it's worth it. Because we need each other. We need to support one another. We need love and friendship and life. Even when it's harder to stay in touch it is so important. As a missionary, being able to talk to my family was so crucial to me being able to survive. Their love and support means the world to me. As a missionary three of my grandparents passed away. Which is not fun. Being able to talk to the fam even when we were whole oceans apart helped a lot.

You may know this but my biggest goal in life is to be a husband and father. That involved a lot of communication. Not every day in a courtship or a marriage will be a fairy tail wonderland. It requires time and effort. You need to keep the love alive. You need to talk. As a spouse you need to be able to talk to your significant other. There will be struggles and problems. And that's ok. You need to talk to them about it. As a parent you need to know how best to raise the children. Which means communication with each other and the offspring. Because kids need help. They have unique struggles that need to be addressed. As a child I had stuff I needed helped with. I could have communicated a lot better. However, I was a teenager. I got better though yeah. If I had communicated with my parents my struggles when they first started happening I could have had a lot less pain and struggle. But life is a learning process. In therapy communication is important. We need to listen to each other in order to help each other 

In our religious beliefs communication with God is so important. Yes he knows what we are doing but he wants to hear from us.  So we can pray. And even if we think no one is listening he is. He loves us always. He wants to hear from us


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