Sex is like an Apple: Brad Wilcox

 And here we go. Today we actually only met once for class. And it was about Sex and how it applies to marriage and relationships. Now Sex is not a bad thing. It is a very beautiful thing that God gave us to connect us as Husband and Wife in our Marriages.  I will confess something. I have never had sex. So maybe I am not the best person to talk about this. However I’m still here writing so here we go. This Blog will probably bring more religious aspects into it than my oreviews blog posts. I hope that that is ok.

God Loves us. Each one of us. Perfectly and equally. No one is above or beneath his love.  Whatever you may have done in life, good or bad, you are still loved. I know in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints there may be some fear talking so openly about sex. The Church is getting better about talking about it however. Sex is a good thing. Wow I said it. It is God approved. He wants us to have Sex if in the right circumstance. And God’s rule is Sex is only to be between a Man and Woman who are legally and lawfully married. God is not against Sex. He is actually for it. He just wants what is best for us. And he knows that for Sex to be used in its beautiful way it needs to be in marriage. Sex is there to unify a husband and wife. To literally make a new human. To be one. It is a way to bring them closer.   

But why all the sexual controversy. Why is there this need to teach people about safe sex and what you should and should not do. Sex is a very powerful thing. It has the power to unify and destroy. People have the ability to have intercourse. God gives that. He just begs that we wait till the right time and right place. Sex can lead to so much good. And so much bad. Infidelity, adultery, pornagraphy are all terrible things. It also can lead to Rape which is one of the most evil things someone can do to someone. It is so sad that people are using such an amazon God Given gift in such evil ways.  

Look in my church we learn about the Law of Chastity a lot. It is very important to God. Look my biggest goal as you may know is to be a husband and father. That's everything to me. Sex is definitely a part of being a husband and father. I do not want to do anything that would risk those precious relationships. Which is one of the reasons God gives us the law of chastity. He knows how powerful and wonderful Sex is. And he is just begging us to Wait. Which I keep saying. And I know I repeat myself a lot. But I do love love. And I love family. And I love my Heavenly Parents. They know what they are doing. God telling us not to have sex until we're married is not him laughing with us. It's him wanted us to be as fulfilled as we can on our Marriages. Not to say any marriage is perfect or that waiting until marriage for sex fixes all problems. But I trust in the lord. Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes life punches us in the face. But the promise of the gospel is that its going to be OK. If you've broken the law of Chastity its not over. Because Jesus died for you and me so we can be free from sin and pain.


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