
Showing posts from March, 2023

One last Time

  Well here we are. My final blog. Who would've thought.  This semester has been a semester. Up and down. Too much sleeping in. Watching movies. Falling in Love. Learning and Growing. Failing. Living This was one of my favorite classes. I loved learning about families and how best to raise them. How we can be better. Because one day I am going to be a husband and father . And this class taught me things. I especially loved the stories from Brother Williams. He brought a real world perspective to the classroom that changed the whole dynamic.  Marriage and family take a lot of work. Work that is worth it. Each step of the way. I mean it seems like the odds are stacked against people for marriage. But it is possible. It is enjoyable. No marriage is perfect, no parents are perfect. It is a work in progress. Every step of the way. Just like college and life. Lool I have a sleeping problem. I need to work on it. There will be issues in marriage. You need to keep trying. When I was servin

Parents: The highest calling

  I remember a drive home from Utah. I had gone down for a date. The date went amazing. On the drive home I was talking to the person I went on a date with. She asked me to talk about my parents. I knew her parents already. Tears were shed. It was such a good conversation because I was just able to praise my parents for the heroes they are. This Blog will be about parenting. A lot of my insights from parenting come from observing my own parents but also so many other people who helped make me who I am. My parents are imperfect people. They make mistakes. However everything they do is for us kids. Even when we are literal stupid head dumb dumb teenagers who do not understand. They always love and care for us. They work their butts off to help us and each other and so many other people. They just want us to be happy. They have given us this amazing gift of themselves. They have always taught me how to love and be kind. They taught me to keep trying even when it is hard. They taught me to


  This week this blog is going to be a little different. We were asked to find an article on fatherhood. Now I have said this before and I will say it again. My biggest goals in life are to be a father and a husband. So to write an entire blog post about fatherhood and that sort of thing is pretty exciting. In his talk entitled Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling Elder L Tom Perry who was a member of the quorum of the twelve apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has some things to say about fatherhood.  He talks about how Satan is attacking the family and that part of that attack is an attack on fatherhood. We can see this trend in some television shows. Not all shows mind you. Phil Dunphy in Modern family is a very imperfect father and it is amazing. But we see the degradation of the father in the household as an oaf or a fool. Which as a father I bet would be hard to watch. And God is our heavenly father. He is the prime standard of Fatherhood.   Elder Perry also sha


  You know what is crazy. The semester is almost over. However it is not over yet. And another week means another Blog about what we learned in Family Relations. This week we talked about communication. Communication is so important in all relationships. However it is not always easy. In life we want things. We want friends, we want family, we want love, we want connection. The lockdown during Covid was a pretty clear example of that. Those drive by missionary goodbyes were some of the best memories. Because I saw people. People who I loved and missed. In family relations in every type of relationship communication is so important. A mother has to know when her child needs feeding. A child has to communicate however it can to get the feeding. Now the baby cannot speak in full sentences but the baby knows it needs nutrients and that mom has those nutrients.  Then the child grows. Suddenly The child is a screaming 2 year old. The parents have to calm it down. They have to be parents. All

Mental Health

  Look this week we talked at Cognitive Behavioral therapy.  I have been to therapy. I take daily medication. I have mental health struggles. I am very pro therapy. It helped me so much.  I was in a lot of pain for a long time. The mental agony. The thoughts. The pain. It was horrible. I am going to tell my story which may explain why therapy means so much to me. It is interesting however before a very specific event happened on my mission I was not open about my struggles as I am now. God is good.  I was a normal kid. Well however normal a freshman in high school is. I was living in Lincoln, California. I had a group of friends. I went to church. Life was good. Not perfect. Sometimes stuff happens but life is very very good. And then one day as I sat in the chapel of the O Street Building one thought came into my head. A thought that changed everything. Have you ever seen the movie Inception? The idea is they are going to implant an idea into someone's mind.  This bad thought I ha